Results for 'Joan Cusack Handler'

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  1.  37
    (1 other version)Between Parents.Joan Cusack Handler - 1994 - Feminist Studies 20 (1):86.
  2. Bargaining Advantages and Coercion in the Market.Joan McGregor - 1988 - Philosophy Research Archives 14:23-50.
    Does the “free market” foster more freedom for individuals generally and less coercion? Libertarians and other market advocates argue that the unfettered market maximizes freedom and hence has less coercion than any feasible alternative. Welfare liberals, Socialist, and Marxists, in different ways, argue against the claim that the unrestricted market maximizes freedom generally. Both supporters and critics agree that coercion undermines freedom and that that is what is ultimately prima facie wrong with it. Further, they agree that the extent to (...)
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  3. The Evidence of Experience.Joan W. Scott - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17 (4):773-797.
    There is a section in Samuel Delany’s magnificent autobiographical meditation, The Motion of Light in Water, that dramatically raises the problem of writing the history of difference, the history, that is, of the designation of “other,” of the attribution of characteristics that distinguish categories of people from some presumed norm.1 Delany recounts his reaction to his first visit to the St. Marks bathhouse in 1963. He remembers standing on the threshold of a “gym-sized room” dimly lit by blue bulbs. The (...)
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  4. HIERARCHIES, JOBS, BODIES:: A Theory of Gendered Organizations.Joan Acker - 1990 - Gender and Society 4 (2):139-158.
    In spite of feminist recognition that hierarchical organizations are an important location of male dominance, most feminists writing about organizations assume that organizational structure is gender neutral. This article argues that organizational structure is not gender neutral; on the contrary, assumptions about gender underlie the documents and contracts used to construct organizations and to provide the commonsense ground for theorizing about them. Their gendered nature is partly masked through obscuring the embodied nature of and hierarchies, common concepts in organizational (...)
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    The logic of imagination acts: A formal system for the dynamics of imaginary worlds.Joan Casas Roma, Antonia Huertas Sánchez & M. Elena Rodríguez - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    Imagination has received a great deal of attention in different fields such as psychology, philosophy and the cognitive sciences, in which some works provide a detailed account of the mechanisms involved in the creation and elaboration of imaginary worlds. Although imagination has also been formalized using different logical systems, none of them captures those dynamic mechanisms. In this work, we take inspiration from the Common Frame for Imagination Acts, that identifies the different processes involved in the creation of imaginary worlds, (...)
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  6. Truthmaking and Supervenience.Joan Pagès - 2010 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 20 (2):191-197.
    This paper advances a criticism of Parsons' notion of truthmaker grounded on the notion of supervenience. I argue that none of the two naturalinterpretations of Parsons' definition succeeds in accomplishing the several tasks intended by Parsons.
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    Who Achieves What? The Subjective Dimension of the Objective Goods of Life Extension in the Ethics of Digital Doppelgängers.Joan Llorca Albareda, Gonzalo Díaz-Cobacho & Pablo García-Barranquero - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):134-137.
    Iglesias et al. (2025) present a suggestive argument in favor of life extension through digital doppelgängers. Their position can be summarized in two argumentative stages: i) we are to some extent...
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    Evaluating Religious Practices.Joan C. Callahan - 1994 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 3 (2):37-56.
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    The Relation of the Sublunary Substances to God in Aristotle.Joan Franks - 1992 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 66:175-180.
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    Plato on Mind and Morality in Nature.Joan Kung - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 3:803-807.
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    The Primacy of Hope in advance.Joan Woolfrey - forthcoming - Social Philosophy Today.
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    Ethical issues in professional life.Joan C. Callahan (ed.) - 1988 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    When (if ever) may a professional deceive a client for the client's own good? Under what conditions (if any) is whistle-blowing morally required? These are just some of the questions that scholars as diverse as Michael D. Bayles, Thomas Nagel, Sissela Bok, Jessica Mitford, and Peter A. French confront in this stimulating anthology. Organized around philosophical issues such as the moral foundations of professional ethics, models of the professional-client relationship, deception, informed consent, privacy and confidentiality, professional dissent, and professional virtue, (...)
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  13. (3 other versions)Ethical leadership and decision making in education: applying theoretical perspectives to complex dilemmas.Joan Poliner Shapiro - 2001 - Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. Edited by Jacqueline Anne Stefkovich.
    The authors developed this textbook in response to an increasing interest in ethics, and a growing number of courses on this topic that are now being offered in educational leadership programs. It is designed to fill a gap in instructional materials for teaching the ethics component of the knowledge base that has been established for the profession. The text has several purposes: First, it demonstrates the application of different ethical paradigms (the ethics of justice, care, critique, and the profession) through (...)
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  14. Frege explained: from arithmetic to analytic philosophy.Joan Weiner - 2004 - Chicago: Open Court.
    Frege's life and character -- The project -- Frege's new logic -- Defining the numbers -- The reconception of the logic, I-"Function and concept" -- The reconception of the logic, II- "On sense and meaning" and "on concept and object" -- Basic laws, the great contradiction, and its aftermath -- On the foundations of geometry -- Logical investigations -- Frege's influence on recent philosophy.
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  15. 1913-l'assaig pedagògic de Max Bembo a Sabadell.Joan Alsina I. Giralt - 1982 - Sabadell: Fundació Bosch i Cardellach.
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  16. The role of beneficence in clinical genetics: Non-directive counseling reconsidered.Mark Yarborough, Joan A. Scott & Linda K. Dixon - 1989 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 10 (2).
    The popular view of non-directive genetic counseling limits the counselor's role to providing information to clients and assisting families in making decisions in a morally neutral fashion. This view of non-directive genetic counseling is shown to be incomplete. A fuller understanding of what it means to respect autonomy shows that merely respecting client choices does not exhaust the duty. Moreover, the genetic counselor/client relationship should also be governed by the counselor's commitment to the principle of beneficience. When non-directive counseling is (...)
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    Ethical issues in managed care: guidelines for clinicians and recommendations to accrediting organizations.Joan D. Biblo, M. J. Christopher, L. Johnson & R. L. Potter - 1995 - Bioethics Forum 12 (1):MC - 1.
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  18. Empirical research on research ethics.Joan E. Sieber - 2004 - Ethics and Behavior 14 (4):397 – 412.
    Ethics is normative; ethics indicates, in broad terms, what researchers should do. For example, researchers should respect human participants. Empirical study tells us what actually happens. Empirical research is often needed to fine-tune the best ways to achieve normative objectives, for example, to discover how best to achieve the dual aims of gaining important knowledge and respecting participants. Ethical decision making by scientists and institutional review boards should not be based on hunches and anecdotes (e.g., about such matters as what (...)
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  19. Truth and Proofs. From Tarski's Convention T to Game Theory.Christian Bassac & Joan Busquets - 2021 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk & Mieszko Tałasiewicz (eds.), The Lvov-Warsaw School and Contemporary Philosophy of Language. Boston: BRILL.
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    L'óbra de Francesc Mirabent.Joan Vergés Gifra (ed.) - 2017 - [Girona]: Càtedra Ferrater Mora de Pensament Contemporani.
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    A good death: improving care inch-by-inch.Elise Ayers, Joan Harrold & Joanne Lynn - 1997 - Bioethics Forum 13 (1):38.
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  22. Into the darkness: losing identity with dementia.Jennifer Radden & Fordyce & M. Joan - 2005 - In Julian C. Hughes, Stephen J. Louw & Steven R. Sabat (eds.), Dementia: Mind, Meaning, and the Person. Oxford University Press.
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  23. Claves para entender el multilingüismo contemporáneo.Luisa Martín Rojo & Joan Pujolar - 2020
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  24. Les traduccions llatines de la Doctrina pueril de Ramon Llull.Joan Santanach I. Sunol - 2011 - Studia Lulliana 51 (106):99-123.
  25. The problem of solidarism in St. Thomas: a study in social philosophy.Mary Joan of Arc Wolfe - 1938 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America.
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    Dennett and Ricoeur on the narrative self.Joan McCarthy - 2007 - Amherst, NY: Humanity Books.
    Why the narrative self? -- Contemporary interest in narrative theory -- Is the self real or illusory? -- Dennett's brand of naturalism -- The heterophenomenological method (HM) -- Consciousness and the self -- The naturalist narrative self -- Puzzle cases -- The HM and the narrative self -- The limitations of Dennett's account -- The limits of language -- Epistemological fragility -- Ontological fragility -- Naturalism and phenomenology -- Confronting naturalism -- Phenomenology and hermeneutics -- The detour of interpretation -- (...)
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  27. Tradició clàssica en alguns espais públics del barri barceloní de Sants.Joan Alberich I. Mariné - 2012 - Methodos. Revista de didàctica dels estudis clàssics 1:59.
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  28. Les traduccions llatines de la" Doctrina pueril" de Ramon Llull.Joan Santanach I. Suñol - 2011 - Studia Lulliana 106:99-123.
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  29. Foi en l'homme.Joan E. Jarque I. Jutglar - 1969 - Paris: Desclée.
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    The Philosophy of Freedom: A Philosophy of Spiritual Activity.Rudolf Steiner, Joan M. Thompson & Rita Stebbing - 1988
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    Supposing the subject.Joan Copjec (ed.) - 1994 - New York: Verso.
    SUBJECTION AND SUB JECT1VATION ETIENNE BALIBAR will begin by sketching out a problematic, or research programme, on which have been working for some time ...
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    De Europese programma's van Fianna Fail, FDF-RW en Volksunie : Een gemene noemer voor Ierse nationalisten en Belgische federalisten?Joan Hart & Bruno De Witte - 1979 - Res Publica 21 (1):99-113.
    The article compares the attitude of the Irish Fianna Fait, the Flemish Volksunie, and the coalition of the Rassemblement Wallon and the Francophone Brussels' PDF, towards Europe and their programmes for the European elections.These parties do not define themselves on a socio-economic or religious basis, as most of the other European political parties do, but give ideological priority to the ethnic or national factor. Does this imply a common and distinctive attitude to European integration?The answer must be no; they disagree (...)
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  33. Sobre la lógica de las lagunas en el derecho.Josep Joan Moreso, María Cristina Redondo & Pablo Eugenio Navarro López - 2001 - Critica 33 (99):47-73.
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    Third Annual Meeting: European Ethics Network The third annual meeting of the European Ethics Network is being organized at a crucial moment, the finalization of the core materials project for the de-velopment of courses in professional ethics. The par.Begonia Roman, Sant Joan, B. Gordijn Dekkers, H. ten Have, S. Husebo, R. Purtilo & Z. Zylicz - 1997 - Ethical Perspectives 4 (1):175.
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    Recall of haptic information by blind and sighted individuals.Joan Shagan & Jacqueline Goodnow - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 101 (2):221.
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    (1 other version)Social Investing Roundtable.Joan Shapiro - 1993 - Business Ethics 7 (1):20-24.
  37. A comparison of three approaches to the interaction of semantics and syntax.Virginia Teller & Joan Bachenko - 1983 - In Alex Orenstein & Rafael Stern (eds.), Developments in Semantics. Haven. pp. 2--189.
  38. The persistence of personal and social themes in context: Long‐and short‐term studies of students' scientific ideas.Gustav F. Helldén & Joan Solomon - 2004 - Science Education 88 (6):885-900.
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  39. The Embedded Self, Second Edition: An Integrative Psychodynamic and Systemic Perspective on Couples and Family Therapy.Mary-Joan Gerson - 2009 - Routledge.
    First published in 1996, _The Embedded Self_ was lauded as "a brilliant and long overdue rapprochement between psychoanalysis and family therapy conceived by a practitioner trained and experienced in both modalities of treatment." Mary-Joan Gerson’s integrated presentation of psychodynamic and family systems theory invited therapists of either orientation to learn the tools and techniques of the other, to mutual benefit. Firmly grounded in detailed case presentations, her focus on family therapy examined its history, organizing concepts, and developmental approaches, and (...)
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    Ethics and Mental Retardation.Joan Bicknell - 1986 - Journal of Medical Ethics 12 (1):51-52.
  41. Xavier Zubiri, amigo de la luz, maestro en la penumbra, vocación, vida intelectual y magisterio filosófico.Jordi Corominas & Joan Albert Vicens Folgueira - 2009 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 36:7-94.
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  42. Critical review of Impact of research cultures on the use of digital library resources.Marcia Johnson & Joan Cherry - forthcoming - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society.
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    Los conflictos ecológico-distributivos y los indicadores de sustentabilidad.Joan Martinez-Alier - 2006 - Polis 13.
    El autor estudia el metabolismo socio-económico, en términos de flujos de materiales y energía y de la producción de residuos, y clasifica y estudia los conflictos ambientales correspondientes. Presenta una tipología de conflictos acerca del uso de recursos naturales y de la contaminación. Llamamos Ecología Política al estudio de esos conflictos ecológico-distributivos. Los actores de tales conflictos usan diversos lenguajes de valoración. Por ejemplo, pueden argumentar que quieren lograr una compensación monetaria equivalente a los daños ambientales sufridos pero también pueden (...)
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    Contra els absoluts: converses amb Ignasi Moreta.Joan-Carles Mèlich - 2018 - Barcelona: Fragmenta Editorial. Edited by Ignasi Moreta.
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  45. Una antropologia de l'ambigüitat. Nota sobre" Un extraño en nuestra casa", de Lluís Duch.Joan-Carles Mèlich Sangrà - 2010 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 44:107-111.
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    Reading across the Atlantic: Simone de Beauvoir in France and America.Joan O'Bryan - 2021 - Tocqueville 21.
    A review of Judith G. Coffin's "Sex, Love, and Letters: Writing Simone de Beauvoir" (Cornell University Press, 2020) -/- .
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    L'imperatui del silenci: sentit del tractutus de Wittgenstein a la ilum de la tesi setena.Joan Ordi Fernández - 2008 - Barcelona: Instituto D'Estudis Catalans. Edited by Ludwig Wittgenstein.
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    Clinical Ethics: Due Care and the Principle of Nonmaleficence.Robert M. Timko & Joan Whitman Hoff - 2001 - Upa.
    In Clinical Ethics, Robert Timko argues that the moral dilemmas of clinical medical practice can best be resolved within a framework of prima facie duties, and that the most stringent duty is that of nonmaleficence. Timko shows that respect for individual autonomy and the principle of beneficence are inadequate for the moral practice of medicine since simple adherence to either principle may be insufficient for the provision of "due care.".
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    Pensament i llegat de Francesc Xavier Llorens Barba.Joan Vergés Gifra (ed.) - 2017 - [Girona]: Càtedra Ferrater Mora de Pensament Contemporani.
  50. Neural tube defects. Ciba Foundation Symposium 181.Gregory Bock, Joan Marsh & Jeffrey A. Golden - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (12):939-942.
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